Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Two's Company, Three's a BLAST!

A good friend suggested I blog on the subject of threesomes.

As an undergrad, many years ago, I read Roberth Rimmer's, The Harrod Experiment and have been fascinated with alternative lifestyles ever since.

I live a very vanilla life in public. I am married to a wonderful woman who is as conventional as they come. We've had our ups and downs and our relationship is best described as comfortable and friendly.

She knows I have a fascination with alternative lifestyles and I have even suggested we dabble. Not her cup-o-tea so no dice. But, her unwillingness did not stop the fascination or the resulting fantasies and the building curiosity that just had to become reality... and did.

No regrets. No guilt. No split loyalties or alienated affections.

HBO's Real Sex series depicts a swingers convention (camp out) as representative of the lifestyle and people in it. True most people I've met are as normal as anyone else you'd meet at the grocery or the soccer field. They do come in many shapes and sizes, transcend the full age spectrum and are as diverse personality wise as the rest of the population. The only difference is they separate sex from love making and enjoy both with gusto. The sex part involves others in various combinations.

I have been third to a number of couples, mostly married, and have found two things. First, these friendships last and second the sex is awesome. I have also found that the women enjoy it more than the men (although its close) and harbor no guilt or shame in the fact. They love being the center of attention and even the most reserved revel in the fact that two men are devoted to bringing them to levels of pleasure that grow with each encounter.

MFM threesomes are my favorite, though I have done FMF as well. FMF is too much work for a guy who likes to give pleasure more than get. Both are total sensory experiences. The sights, sounds, smells and tastes (especially the tastes) are indescribably good.

The secret is the lady is the center of attention and directs, either assertively or subtly, the action. When three people really get into it you'd be surprised what can happen. Boundaries, though always respected, are often redefined. It's all good!

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