Thursday, January 24, 2008

Who cheats?

I saw a statistic I found interesting. It suggested that 55% of married women have extramarital sex. The percentage is higher for married men but the gap between the two has narrowed immensely over the past decade. The really astounding fact is that 90% of the women stepping out feel they are entitled to do so. Is this a statement on the sad state of marital relationships or a sign of healthy self awareness and taking responsibility for ones own satisfaction and happiness.

I don't know but its a question worth asking.

The number of married people looking for something extra online sites has exploded. While men clearly outnumber women on these sites the gap here is also narrowing. The hot demographic seems to be 32-55, married more than 10 years, generally happy with the marriage on an emotional level but totally unfulfilled sexually.

I would love to ask women who are stepping out how much more they enjoy the extramarital sex with their buddy versus the sex at home. Do they think the sex at home could ever be as hot and physically fulfilling as it is outside? How to men feel? What percentage of women stepping out are simply letting the "dirty girl" in them loose versus looking for a deep meaningful relationship?

Every man's dream is a lady at the table and a wanton whore in bed? Could it be that it is every woman's secret dream as well?

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