Monday, August 23, 2010

I Often Wonder

I think most men wonder what it would be like to experience sex as a woman and maybe some women would like to trade places once or twice. I often wonder what goes through a woman's mind as the dance of seduction unfolds.

At what point does a woman know she would be open to a guy's advances? Is it instantaneous? Does the guy need to flirt, playfully ignore, make a frontal assault before a woman begins to wonder?

At what point does a woman accept the invitation to join the dance? By this I do not mean when does she seccumb but when does she say to herself.. I'll play along. I can always end it if it goes too far.

Is there a point where it goes so far a woman can't bring herself to say no? This is always a fascination for me. Is it that kiss that putss you over the edge/ Is it things we say, nasty or sexy? Is it being touched in a certain place or way?

I am quite certain there is a difference between single and attached women. When single women go for it it is usually an "oh what the heck" sure let's go someplace and fuck.

With married women it is all about letting go. Their lives are the very essence of self control and letting go becomes a near unnatural act for them even under their own roof. At home the worry is will he lose respect for me if I act the slutty whore? Will he suspect I'm cheating if I ask to try something new?

Outside the relationship the question boils down to is the risk worth the potential reward? CAn I respect myself if I act on my impulses? Most never find out.

For those that do make fantasy reality I think the field segments into three groups. The first group is the "I wish I hadn't done that" group. Either guilt riden or a bad experience propels this adventurer to vow never again.

The second group is the "wow, that was fun, I wouldn't want a steady diet of it but, a little strange now and then keeps me feeling alive" group. These women utilize the limited opportunities they allow themselves to explore and experiment. They are usually totally open about their desires especially if their dalliances are with a close circle of regulars or one for that matter.. Their eagerness to let go is the polar opposite of their conservative nature at home. When they let go they become voracious cock suckers, will ride your face like a rodeo cowgirl and fuck you until your cock falls off. They make great friends and the friendship endures even if the sex stops.

The third group is the "if I couldn't do this often I would go insane" group. Their extrarelationship activity often represents their whole sex life. They tend to be open to alternative lifestyle actvities, especially if they find their sexual soulmate. They love to fuck. They are great lovers but, when its over... its over.

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